Commercial Challenges. Product Manufacturers, Healthcare, Banking, Finance and Services Industry (BFSI), Legal, along with other adjacent industries have a common problem. All spend inordinate amounts of time and money ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements, standards, and formats for their documents. Specialized applications are frequently utilized to process unstructured content and derive meaningful information.
Defense, Federal, And Aerospace Challenges.The U.S. Government maintains stringent standards, regulations and formatting requirements. Properly managing policies, procedures, directives, operating and technical manuals is critical and requires more effort to achieve every day. Until now, ensuring compliance, consistency and quality has been onerous – with mundane, repetitive, time-intensive tasks that require manual effort, multiple editing rounds and outsourcing along with high levels of technical acumen just to get the document published. Coupled with this are higher-costs, inefficiencies, and human error.
Publishers and Associations Challenges. The pursuit of automating the publishing process has spanned decades, driven by the goal of producing and distributing a greater volume of content and products with fewer resources. Traditionally, authors worked in Microsoft Word, necessitating a transformation of Word documents into an XML-first workflow for publishers to edit content using an XML editor. Despite the industry trend, editorial teams often favor working in Word due to its user-friendly environment. Until now, the transition from Word to XML has proven challenging and not always straightforward.
Specialized applications are frequently utilized to process unstructured content and derive meaningful information. What we offer is a structured Intelligent content solution. This solution includes elements such as: Structure, Metadata, Reusability, Automation, Personalization, Interactivity, Adaptability and XML Standards. These are used to improve efficiency in content creation and management while delivering a more personalized and engaging experience for users. Ictect’s patented technology (Patent 7,251,777) brings Intelligent Content from Microsoft Word and Office 365. This makes us unique world-wide and enables us to deliver world-class software solutions using Office 365, a platform used by 2 billion+ users.
Artificial Intelligence is about to change the way that we work. Applications such as Content Generation, Automated Writing Assistance, Content Summarization, Language Translation, Content Analysis and Sentiment Analysis, Content Categorization and Tagging, Plagiarism Detection, and Content Personalization are becoming common to automate tasks. They enhance the quality of writing, provide valuable insights, and improve the overall user experience. By combining our proven Intelligent Content software with emerging AI technologies, Ictect offers practical and affordable solutions for your documents. The spectrum of our solutions applies to various industries, types of documents and standards.
We offer our software to enterprises as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model, as well as on-premise.
XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language and file format for storing, transmitting, and reconstructing arbitrary data. It defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human and machine-readable. However, XML is not intuitive and requires specialized training. It is frequently outsourced to experts who know the language and must be hired to further manage the content. In organizations where XML workflows are used, Ictect software offers a unique value proposition to enable authors, editors, publishers and everyone in the content supply chain to use Microsoft Word and Office 365 to create and edit XML. This has resulted in significant time and cost-saving for organizations.
Lam Research is an $18 billion semiconductor company where technical writers use Microsoft Word and Ictect’s Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) software for checking their technical manuals. Engineers and Subject Matter Experts provide content in Microsoft Word which needs to be compliant with Lam Research style guide and technical writing conventions for the semiconductor industry. While there are many applications available for checking documents, Lam Research is very particular about certain words, phrases, acronyms, safety-related messages, etc. icTools is the easy-to-use software in Microsoft Word providing compliance and assurance to standards.
Technical writers at a large defense contractor used ArborText software for creating their technical manuals with S-1000D and DITA XML. However, product management resources including engineers, sales and marketing staff used Microsoft Word for reviewing and contributing content. The disconnect between ArborText and Microsoft Word created an unnecessary workload for technical writers and engineers, leading to millions of dollars in costs to the company. This important defense contractor decided to use Ictect’s Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) to streamline the communication between technical writers and non-technical resources.
A global publisher was looking to implement integrity checking at an early stage in their journal publishing workflow. The integrity checking software would check for manuscripts submitted from paper mills, questionable authors and institutions, AI-assisted content, etc. They recognized that having reasonably good JATS XML would greatly simplify the integrity checking application. They chose Ictect’s Intelligent Content Server in an API form to convert author-submitted manuscripts to JATS XML.
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