Ictect is eager to support our Federal government customers as well as those who contract with them. We participate in a variety of contracts, schedules and vehicles to make our quality products, services, and solutions easier to access.
GSA MAS Information Technology Schedule. GSA MAS IT Schedule offers a comprehensive array of state-of-the-art IT products, services, and solutions. The efficiencies agencies gain from purchasing IT support via IT Schedule 70 include saving both time and money.
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ITES-SW2 Army CHESS. A range of commercially available off-the-shelf (COTS) software solutions categorized into fourteen functional catalogs necessary to satisfy enterprise infrastructure and infostructure goals within United States CONUS and OCUNUS locations. The software solutions include software product, software maintenance, and related incidental services and hardware to provide a total solution.
Authorized Buyers: Open to all Army, the Department of Defense community and all Federal Agencies and Contractors supporting those agencies.
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Primary NAICS: 513210 Software Publishers (replaces 511210)
Secondary NAICS: