Intelligent Content is the next generation of XML.
Interested in seeing it in action? Send us a sample document. We will tag it and show you how our software can reduce cost, reduce cycle time, and improve the document quality.
Reduce Cost, Reduce Cycle Time, and Improve Document Quality
Our Value Statements for the market are:
Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) for MIL-STD-40051 with a robust Microsoft Word plug-in, will provide the automation you are looking for. How the product automates:
Automating with icTools for MIL-STD-40051 will increase process speed, ensure quality, and reduce costs. Since non-technical users can use the product to meet all your needs, reduced training will also generate more cost savings.
See our case study on modernizing the technical writing process for the Army Publishing Directorate.
It is common for XML creation to be time-consuming and costly. Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) for MIL-STD-40051 allows for high-quality, MIL-STD-40051 compliant XML to be created automatically as part of your workflow. There is no need for a technical specialist. Non-technical personnel can generate the XML needed, saving valuable time and resources. The icTools software allows your team to focus on review and quality assurance rather than coding.
Ictect’s plug-in tool allows all your staff, no matter their role, to engage in the creation and editing process. Using Word’s interface, your staff can work on publishing clean and polished technical documents while also completing a high-quality XML tagged structure. Our software allows for “managed collaboration” within the document. This allows for various parts of the document to be assigned to different users with role-based authority and features. Your published output can be customized to be ready for the next tool in your publishing process.
In the content creation process, AI and Copilot can be used within Microsoft Word for various types of content such as FAQs, product datasheets, brochures, and more. The combination of AI, Copilot and icTools offers better control on the quality of the content and minimizes the scenarios of AI running amok. Feel free to contact us for demonstrations of Copilot, icTools and AI working together.
The use of templates is a great way to increase the ease of document creation while helping to ensure quality and increase productivity. Templates are available for maintenance packages, and we are able to design templates for other packages to meet your specifications.
Interested in seeing it in action? Send us a sample document. We will tag it and show you how our software can reduce cost, reduce cycle time, and improve the document quality.
Document workflows for technical publications are often overly complex and inefficient, particularly when dealing with XML standards like MIL-STD-40051. Non-technical authors typically write their content in Microsoft Word, requiring cumbersome and manual conversion processes to transform these documents into XML.
Intelligent Content software simplifies and modernizes these workflows, enabling seamless XML conversion, quality checks, compliance verification, and professional formatting—all directly within Microsoft Word and Office 365.
Ictect brings Intelligent Content and Artificial Intelligence to MIL-STD-40051TechPubs, automating the creation, editing, transformation, and publishing of these technical documents. Our unique solutions are designed to:
Intelligent Content Software (icTools) provides a complete solution for optimizing your workflows. The entire workflow can be completed with Microsoft Word, and we are able to create templates to simply your processes even more. The MIL-STD-40051 document with compliant XML can be automatically formatted to your customized styles as well or ready for another tool in your CMS.
In the realm of DoD, we have the Air Force, Army, and Defense Contract Audit Agency using our software to create high-quality, compliant, and well-formatted documents. They trust our software with important documents!
In addition to the great software in icTools, we offer prompt, personalized support. We will work tirelessly to help you achieve success. We really do want to make you better!
Here is a short video from a customer who has benefited from Ictect: Our Game-Changing Software.
We will quickly respond to your request for more information. You may find our contact information at contact us.
Yes, we support MIL-STD-40051 and S-1000D as well. Contact us for details and demonstrations
A: We have replaced ArborText, XMetaL, FrameMaker, and Quark XML Author in organizations. See our case study for the Army Publishing Directorate where we replaced ArborText, and our case study for Air Force Publishing where we replaced Adobe FrameMaker. In situations where these products are tightly integrated with other enterprise systems (such as ArborText with Windchill, Quark XML Author with QPS, and XMetaL with RWS Tridion), we have augmented the workflows by making it easier for SMEs to contribute to XML content workflows.
icTools allows SMEs to communicate with developers using Microsoft Word. This will bring efficiency to your workflow and will save time for SMEs as well as developers.
Our key differentiators are:
This is software customized to your unique needs at an affordable price.
In many business situations, content processes are complex and require a significant amount of manual work including outsourced services. With Ictect software and customized templates, you can use Microsoft Word to enter, edit, format, and generate high-quality, MIL-STD-40051 compliant XML. This workflow significantly reduces the amount of time and cost and improves the quality of documents. See our case study on how the Air Force reduced costs by 60% and improved their publishing time from 29 days to 11 days.
Yes! We offer a Cloud-based or on-premises Intelligent Content Server (ICS) for converting legacy documents to be MIL-STD-40051 compliant. This includes API access.
Traditionally, MIL-STD-40051 document creators and editors were not able to use Microsoft Word to assist in publishing their documents. Ictect’s Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) for MIL-STD-40051 allows you to stay within Microsoft Word throughout the process to create high-quality, MIL-STD-40051 compliant XML documents.
The XML creation is done automatically from the Word document, so you do not need highly trained specialists to create it. The software does it for you.
Templates are a great way to improve efficiency and to ensure standardization. We are able to provide templates customized to your needs. These will allow for ease of input and will help increase the workflow.
In addition to handling MIL-STD-40051compliant technical documents, we work with many different types of documents, including:
Our experience from the Department of Defense includes the following types of documents:
Your document types and the application of XML may be unique. We invite you to explore by doing a proof of concept with our software.
Intelligent Content Software (icTools) provides a complete solution for optimizing your workflows. Templates for Microsoft Word are available to the author at the beginning of the workflow to simply the process. Editors can continue the process using icTools and Microsoft Word to create a document that is MIL-STD-40051 compliant with high-quality XML. The editor does not need to have any special skills to generate the XML. The XML is generated automatically from the Word document using icTools. The Word document can be automatically formatted to your customized styles or ready for another tool in your CMS.
We are a software company, and our business model is primarily based on software licensing. However, we realize customers sometime need services for their documents, such as formatting, converting to XML, or checking. We do offer such services from Ictect and our partners depending upon the volume. Please contact us about your needs.
One of the key elements of an innovation according to the US Patent Office is that it must not be obvious to practitioners in the field. The technical publication industry has the mindset that Microsoft Word and XML are different and never shall the two meet! Our approach completely changes this and allows you to look at content challenges from a different perspective, enabling innovative applications in your business processes.
While many companies may use the term Intelligent Content in a very generic manner, we have a very specific notion of it. We have a patented software that we call Intelligent Content Software. Currently, we offer the software in the following 3 embodiments.
The “bundle” of these, or the license of the core patent for specific purposes is also available as “Intelligent Content Technology”.
Saving time and cost also involves carefully analyzing your use cases and developing applications that bring operational efficiency. We work closely with our customers and our consulting partners to analyze workflows and propose appropriate solutions using our software. Because Microsoft Word is a commonly available software in enterprises, our ability to integrate MIL-STD-40051 compliant content with it solves many challenges in business situations. Would you like to discuss your needs?