the intelligent content company

Intelligent Content Server for Journals

ICS for Journals is a cloud-based service for automatically adding JATS XML to your journal documents. Simply upload Microsoft Word documents and ICS for Journals tags and delivers both a tagged Word document, and a JATS XML document.

This software is also offered as an on-premises service.

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Intelligent Content Server for Technical Documents

ICS for Technical Documents is a cloud-based service for automatically adding DITA XML to your technical documents. Simply upload Microsoft Word documents and ICS for Technical Documents delivers both a tagged Word document, and a DITA XML document.

This software is also offered as an on-premises service.

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ICS for Alt Text

ICS for Alt Text is AI-based and automatically creates alternative (alt) text for images using Large Language Models (LLMs) and Ictect’s patented Intelligent Content software. Fully integrated with Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF. Improves SEO and document accessibility. The Alt Text Generator is designed to be integrated in document and publishing workflows.

  • Creates alt text from single images.
  • Creates and embeds alt text into Word and PDF documents including OCR images and tables.
  • Provides alt text in multiple languages.
  • Generates alt text for your target audience (e.g., engineer vs student).
  • Integrates with icTools.
  • Can integrate with other 3rd Party applications.
  • API available for integration with your workflow.

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GotContract – Platform for Contract Creation

GotContract is automation software that helps with the simplified acquisition threshold. Our MVP was developed to help contracting teams get to the final clause sets quickly. GotContract product will integrate with various government systems and be able to do far more to support contracting teams than just the clause sets. We are also looking to support automated flow down clauses from contracts for prime contractors.


Intelligent Content Server is cloud-based and accessible from any computer with no installation required.


...the Policy Document System team found that only one product, Intelligent Content Tools in CUNY, met the University’s needs.
Steven Quinn
Manager, Information Services
Office of the Secretary of the Board
The City University of New York
We are very satisfied with the product and services that Ictect has delivered and value Ictect as a trusted partner for fulfilling our operational mission and moving our vision of electronic publishing forward...
Jessica Spencer-Gallucci
Air Force Departmental Publishing Office
Work was always done carefully and thoroughly, and all questions during the editing process were communicated and handled in a timely fashion...
Jill Schwartz
Peterson’s Publishing, a Nelnet Company