Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) is a software product on Office 365 and Microsoft Word to enable Subject Matter Experts, Engineers, Technical Writers and non-DITA users to contribute content to technical publications in Word while receiving DITA XML in the background. With Online and Offline authoring capabilities with Word, icTools eliminates content friction in organizations and provides a single source of truth for Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Content Management System (CMS). Now, with Ictect’s patented software, SMEs and Technical Writers can work in Microsoft Word on the same document, and DITA XML is automatically created for publishing.
Intelligent Content Tools is for large and small organizations developing technical publications and using DITA XML. Customizations of the software can also be made for other types of XML such as S-1000D and proprietary XML. Intelligent Content Tools is used by all users contributing to the document:
Intelligent Content Tools offers features related to language checks to SMEs and Authors, and DITA-oriented features to Technical Writers. Highlights of features for Authors and SMEs are:
Ictect will work with your organization to help you evaluate the Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) for DITA. We will offer a low-cost proof of concept to configure the software for your organizational style guides and document formats.
We offer the software for as low as $1 per user per day, subject to number of users and customization efforts.