the intelligent content company

Microsoft Word and icTools for MIL-STD Templates

A value discovery session for DoD Prime techpubs professionals

Pradeep Jain – Founder and Chief Content Architect, Ictect, Inc.
Aleks Vilumsons - Business Development – Government, Ictect, Inc.
Mark Ertl – Project Manager, Ictect, Inc.


Traditionally, as a MIL-STD-40051 document creator or editor, you were not able to use Microsoft Word to assist in publishing your documents. This webinar is intended for you, a TechPubs professional, who publish MIL-STD-40051 documents and are interested in modernizing your publishing workflow by leveraging the familiarity of Microsoft Word. Even if you are non-technical, you can easily use icTools in Word to author, edit, tag, and generate MIL-STD XML quickly and efficiently.

Webinar Details

You will see a demonstration of Ictect’s Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) software for MIL-STD-40051 and its ability to create high-quality, MIL-STD-40051 compliant XML documents from Microsoft Word. You can use icTools for creating maintenance, troubleshooting, inspections, and other types of work packages required for technical publications.

Why Watch?

Watch if:

  • You need to modernize your publishing workflow
    • Including enhancing your workflow with current PLM systems such as ArborText and Windchill
  • You desire to reduce cycle time by 25% or more
    • Such as faster submission of your work packages to IADS system
  • You desire to reduce contractor costs by 10% or more
  • You want to automate XML creation, reducing or eliminating it altogether
  • You want easy-to-use software, reducing training needs and allowing non-technical users to succeed

No Classified or Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) will be used in the webinar or demonstration.

Webinar Outline

  • Introductions and Overview
  • MIL-STD-40051 and Ictect icTools
  • Demonstrations
    • Using and Editing the Maintenance Word Template
    • Producing and Viewing MIL-STD 40051 XML Output with icTools
  • Time savings and cost savings
  • Q&A

Speakers and Facilitators