the intelligent content company

Experience Microsoft Copilot and icTools from Ictect

Optimize document workflows with AI and Intelligent Content


Practical and Affordable Artificial Intelligence for Your Documents

Microsoft recently announced Copilot for Word. Copilot can make content creation, summarizing, compiling and many other tasks easier.

You require precise control over your content, in addition to the benefits provided by artificial intelligence like Copilot.

Our enterprise-grade Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) allow users to leverage the power of Copilot for creating structured and intelligent content, resulting in machine-readable documents, including documents compliant with XML standards.

All through one convenient subscription.

With the expertise and software from Ictect, artificial intelligence is now accessible to all sizes of organization, for any type of document, and in any geography.

Users of icTools

  • Authors
  • Editors
  • Technical Writers
  • Engineers/SMEs
  • Publishers
  • Researchers
  • Content Architects

Document types

  • Policies and Procedures
  • Technical Publications
  • Book Manuscripts
  • Journal Articles
  • Federal Publications
  • Contracts
  • Cybersecurity documents
  • Market Research

XML standards

  • JATS and BITS
  • DITA
  • LegalDocML
  • MILSTD 40051
  • Print Quality XML
  • S-1000D
  • XML for AI
  • Your custom schema

Looking for API-access?

Our cloud-based Intelligent Content Server (ICS) allows you to:

  • Check documents for compliance with style guides or business rules
  • Format documents to official layouts
  • Structure documents to industry-standard XML such as JATS, DITA, S-1000D, LegalDocML, or your own XML Schema
  • Access structured content within Word to automate workflow tasks

Our Game-Changing Software

We create game-changing software for various types of documents such as journal articles, books, policies and procedures, contracts, research publications, technical publications, marketing documents or any type of document – with Microsoft Word and Office 365. Let us show you why our clients have called our software a “game changer”.

Kim Cutchins

Amerian Peanut Research and Education Society

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Our Customers

What Our Customers Are Saying

...the Policy Document System team found that only one product, Intelligent Content Tools in CUNY, met the University’s needs.
Steven Quinn
Manager, Information Services
Office of the Secretary of the Board
The City University of New York
We are very satisfied with the product and services that Ictect has delivered and value Ictect as a trusted partner for fulfilling our operational mission and moving our vision of electronic publishing forward...
Jessica Spencer-Gallucci
Air Force Departmental Publishing Office
Work was always done carefully and thoroughly, and all questions during the editing process were communicated and handled in a timely fashion...
Jill Schwartz
Peterson’s Publishing, a Nelnet Company