the intelligent content company

Publishing Made Easy

A Value Discovery Session for Publishing Professionals

Mark Ertl – Project Manager, Ictect, Inc.
Phillip Barratt – Director of Sales and Marketing, Ictect, Inc.
Pradeep Jain – Founder and Chief Content Architect, Ictect, Inc.
Doll Holman – Former Chief of Plans, Program, and Information Technology for the Air Force Departmental Publishing Office (AFDPO)


We invite you to attend a webinar developed specifically for publishing managers and those involved in publishing processes.

Creating Compliant Publications with Improved Efficiency and Reduced Cost

With tighter budgets, fewer resources and more requirements, publishing staff need to do more with less. This webinar provides an overview of the software that saved the Air Force over 60% cost using the software and reduced the average publishing time from 29 days to 11 days.

  • Webinar Overview:
    • The Air Force Need
    • The icTools Solution
    • Q & A

  • The Need: Guest speaker Doll Holman will share her experience on the impact of the software for Air Force Publishing. – 10 mins
    • Prior to icTools software, Air Force used Adobe products and outsourced services
    • The publications staff provided editing and compliance reviews according to Air Force publishing policy
    • The staff was very familiar with Microsoft Word but had limited technical programs knowledge

  • The Solution: Ictect will provide a demonstration of the Intelligent Content Tools (icTools) software – 30 mins
    • Mr. Mark Ertl, Project Manager for Ictect, will demonstrate will include:
      • Publication Processing Overview
      • Pre-Checks Ensuring Document Quality and Section 508 Compliance
      • Automated XML Tagging
      • Compliance Checks Ensuring Document Compliance
      • Final product in multiple formats (PDF, EPUB, and XML)
      • Integrations – How to Integrate Two Word Documents
    • Mr. Pradeep Jain, Intelligent Content Architect and President of Ictect will show the use of Artificial Intelligence in the publications process.

  • Q&A – 15-20 mins Speakers include:
    • Pradeep Jain – Intelligent Content Architect and President of Ictect
    • Doll Holman – Former Chief of Plans, Program, and Information Technology for the Air Force Departmental Publishing Office (AFDPO)
    • Phillip Barratt – Director of Sales and Marketing

Speakers and Facilitators

For More Information